Conflict Whistleblower

This Whistleblower Policy of the California State PTA: (1) encourages directors, officers, staff and volunteers to come forward with credible information on illegal practices or serious violations of adopted policies of the association; (2) specifies that the association will protect the person from retaliation; and (3) identifies where such information can be reported.

Historian Report

Every PTA is required to prepare an Annual Historian Report. Information from these reports is compiled and forwarded to the California State PTA. Design and distribution of forms for the Annual Historian Report shall be the responsibility of the California State PTA.

Reviewing Bylaws

Bylaws and standing rules must be reviewed every year and submitted through channels for approval every five years (please note: Bylaws prepared with e-Bylaws must be printed and submitted in hard copy through channels for approval). Bylaws Submittal form for units

Unit Remittance Form

The Unit Remittance Form accompanies all per capita dues, insurance late fees, freewill offerings and other payments submitted through channels. Most of these payments will be remitted by the district PTA to the California State PTA office.


Cash Verification Form

Detailed records of monies received by the association are required. The cash verification form provides written proof that association funds were counted by at least two members, one of whom is an officer or the committee chairman. Copies of the signed forms must be kept by all counters listed on the form.

Payment Authorization/Request for Reimbursement Form

Payment Authorization/Request for Reimbursement Form. A written request for payment of an expenditure or reimbursement is required. The bottom of the form records the date the expenditure was authorized in the minutes and is signed by the president and secretary.